The mission of Scholar System is to empower students and professionals with innovative, dynamic, and systematic college readiness, life skills and professional learning solutions. Grounded in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Community Empowerment, and Dr. Rios’ Masbloom model of balancing high rigor with high emotional support. We strive to cultivate transformative growth, resilience, and success in every individual we serve.


Keynote speakers for education k-12


Teams collaborate to identify, question, and challenge personal mindsets and systemic barriers hindering equity.


All sessions provide a variety of engaging teaching tools and strategies for immediate classroom application.


Solidly grounded in current research, each session employs best practices for adult learners as well as for students.


Sessions relentlessly return to student impact and the power of adult behaviors, beliefs, and actions in influencing student trajectories.


“Dr. Rios and his Scholar System team have provided Napa Valley Unified School District exceptional training on equity, student empowerment and engagement, team building, and classroom strategies. Scholar System has provided our administrators and teachers ongoing, sustainable training and support that is helping us move forward in our work to promote prosperity for all students.”

–  Dr. Rosanna Mucetti
Superintendent, Napa Valley Unified School District​


The Scholar System team employs a unique model of professional learning. This framework of Inspiration, Application, and Connection allows educators to engage
with proven practices for transforming school cultures and student lives.

Our three pillars are woven seamlessly throughout each session, melding hearts,
minds, and action– just as we would want our students to experience in classrooms.

Built on Three Core Pillars

We utilize research-based best practices, decades of expertise, and powerful testimonies of life experience to support you in creating a culture of prosperity within your system.


Creating Systems of Prosperity begins with understanding the transformative power adults hold in impacting student lives. We inspire, refocus, and center educators around their purpose.


Change only happens when classroom practice shifts. As a result, our sessions deliver a wealth of practical, teacher-tested best practices for educators to implement in classrooms immediately. 


Educators learn how to build and sustain positive relationships with students and families as they strengthen their own connections among colleagues. 

The Teacher Training Trifecta: Inspiration Pillar

Watch our three pillars in action!

The Teacher Training Trifecta: Inspiration Pillar

Learn more about the three pillars!

Web Development

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Ux audit

Facilisis magnis at suspendisse phasellus curae dictum. Pede facilisis luctus conubia nunc sodales mi nullam. Felis erat tellus blandit cubilia velit egestas.

strategy and planning

Facilisis magnis at suspendisse phasellus curae dictum. Pede facilisis luctus conubia nunc sodales mi nullam. Felis erat tellus blandit cubilia velit egestas.

Customized Services

Helping Schools Create Ecosystems of Cariño/Care that enable student, teacher, and community prosperity!


View a sample of our Prosperity-Based curriculum!

Year-Long teacher training program!

From Risk to Promise: A complete professional learning curriculum.

Our Curriculum provides school leaders the necessary tools to deliver a full year (12 modules) of quality professional learning. Each research-based session includes comprehensive lesson plans for leaders to build and sustain an at-promise mindset. Created using field-tested best practices for professional development, educators will collaborate, receive practical classroom strategies, and grapple with the challenges required to create equitable, At-Promise systems for all students.

  • 3 published books in the full series
  • Complete with facilitator guides, slide decks, and more
  • With a self-study volume for independent teacher teams in mind and a classroom handbook for additional tools and resources

Our Professional Learning Frameworks

Our Latest Work

An awesome project has been finished.

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Bibendum facilisi cursus augue a si placerat convallis dignissim ligula fusce nec ante consectetur nam neque ullamcorper morbi posuere volutpat malesuada felis mauris vulputate nisi montes himenaeos semper proin metus

Presented By :

Web Design | Logo Design | Brand Strategist

Elixir Perfume

Bibendum facilisi cursus augue a si placerat convallis dignissim ligula fusce nec ante consectetur nam neque ullamcorper morbi posuere volutpat malesuada felis mauris vulputate nisi montes himenaeos semper proin metus

Web Design | Logo Design | Brand Strategist

Presented By :

A note from Dr. Victor Rios


I was a high school drop-out and juvenile delinquent. But one of my teachers, Ms. Russ, believed in me so much, she tricked me into believing in myself. Because of an educator that helped me redefine my life from survivor to thriver, I attended college, graduated with a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, gave a Ted Talk (with over 1.7 million views), and even advised the Obama Administration on gun violence and policing in America. I have written 9 books and conducted two decades of research asking a simple question: What unique traits or strategies allow individuals who face extreme adversity to not only overcome their challenges but also achieve success?


I founded Scholar System to share my research findings with everyday people, helping them realize their full potential.

“The wound is the place where the light gets in” -Rumi


I also founded Scholar System to provide educators with the tools to ensure all students–including our most vulnerable–thrive. Together, we can create Systems of Prosperity that honor student strengths and stories, synchronize high expectations with high support, and ultimately transform the lives of our at-promise populations.

We believe student success relies on the commitment and collaboration of all adults in
the system. Because of this, Scholar System provides programs to support your entire community of educators.


Teachers | Administrators | Classified Staff | Board Members

Families & Community Partners | Students

Our professional learning programs are designed to be both durable and systematic,
ensuring long-term impact and seamless integration into educational practices. We focus on practical, evidence-based strategies that educators can implement in their classrooms to transform them into thriving learning environments.

Together, we have the power to alter student trajectories and develop Systems of
Prosperity in our schools. By investing in our educators, we enhance students’
academic performances, emotional well-being, and life success.

Scholar System Core Beliefs

We believe student success relies on the commitment and collaboration of all adults in the system. Because of this, Scholar System provides programs to support your entire community of educators.

For All Members of the Educational Community

  • Teachers

  • Administrators

  • Classified Staff

  • Board Members

  • Families & Community Partners

  • Students

Our Approach: Durable and Systematic

Customized for Your Needs

Our professional learning programs are designed to be both durable and systematic, ensuring long-term impact and seamless integration into educational practices. We focus on practical, evidence-based strategies that educators can implement in their classrooms, transforming them into thriving learning environments.



Contact us to learn more!

Together, We Can Make a Difference

Together, we have the power to alter student trajectories and reshape schools into Cultures of Prosperity. By investing in our educators, we are not only enhancing the academic performance of students but also their emotional well-being and life success.


Join us at Scholar System, and be a part of this transformational journey.


Sign up our newsletter to get update, insight and news.


Contact Us!

Our staff is available to discuss custom packages for you!
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