Jesus Vera is a Bi-lingual First-Generation Mexican-American Emotional Development Speaker who was raised in Stockton, CA. Even though his social environment was known for drugs and gangs, Jesus modeled the example his parents set forth of hard work and sacrifice and excelled in school graduating with honors and continued his education at a university in Riverside, CA where he became the first in his family to graduate from college during the middle of a pandemic.
Jesus majored in both Business Management and Religious Studies. After graduating college, Jesus moved to Portland, OR where he began his Clinical Pastoral Education and he received 4 units of clinical psychotherapy training. Currently, Jesus works for a local hospital organization in Southern California as a Hospital Chaplain and is working on his Masters in Divinity. Jesus uses his social and cultural experiences paired with his training in psychotherapy to share his story and help people understand and process their emotions in order to heal from pain and trauma and awaken their inner greatness.
Being trained in psychotherapy, Jesus understands how certain emotions can cause someone to feel broken and hurt. In his clinical setting Jesus helps patients process emotions such as grief, depression, anger, anxiety, fear, sorrow, regret, guilt, shame, and sadness. Jesus’ goal is to help people understand that they were born to be great and their negative experiences do not define them. Jesus is passionate about speaking because he understands that a lot can stand between someone and their greatness and his goal is to be a voice of change in people’s lives. Jesus is also a firm believer in serving your community and for him, sharing his story and the pain points that he is encountered is just one way of doing that.